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Are my details secure?
At Bally Bet, we take your privacy very seriously and use industry-standard practices to safeguard your personal information.
All pages for viewing or changing your account security details utilize Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to protect your privacy.
To access your online account, you must log in using either your registered email, mobile number, or username, as well as your password. This helps ensure that no one else can access your account.
Here are some best practices to maximize your security:
- Use a strong password: Include extra characters and punctuation marks.
- Change your password regularly: Avoid reusing old passwords.
- Do not share your account details: Keep your information private, even from family.
- Don’t leave your device unattended.
- Never share personal financial or banking information.
- Avoid using the 'Save Username/Password' function on your device.
To make changes to your account information, please contact customer support. If you forget any account access details, you’ll need to verify your identity using your personal information questions.
We take no responsibility for any third-party access to your account. We will not be liable for any losses resulting from misuse of your password or unauthorized access. All transactions made with your username and password will be regarded as valid, regardless of authorization.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact our 24/7 customer support live chat, or email We are here to help.